Chocolate Recipes - Strawberries Ginger Truffles

Strawberries Ginger Truffles

/ Chocolate Resources / Chocolate Recipes / Strawberries Ginger Truffles

The subtle heat of ginger marries well with the sweet innocence of strawberry in this delightful confection. Be aware, it is a professional recipe and includes ingredients that may not be widely available.

By Jean-Pierre Wybauw

Strawberries Ginger Truffles

Jean-Pierre Wybauw | Fine Chocolates, Great Experience 3 | Lannoo, 2010

Yield: About 2 1/2 lbs.


1/2 cup whipping cream
1 cup strawberry paste
1 tbsp. ground ginger
3 oz. sorbitol
1 tbsp. dextrose
1/4 cup glucose
1 tbsp. butter
1 1/4 lb. dark chocolate (36% cocoa butter), tempered (see instructions)

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Recipe Instructions

Blend all ingredients, except for the chocolate. Heat mixture to 219°F.

Allow to fully cool before folding in the precrystalized (tempered) chocolate.

Immediately pipe into hollow truffle shells. Allow to stiffen sufficiently before sealing the shells. Garnish.

Ecole Chocolat Note: This is a very soft ganache so that is why Chef has piped it into preformed truffle shells. It may be too soft for using in molded shells and will be definitely too soft for dipped truffles. Pre-made hollow truffle shells, sorbitol and other specialty chocolate-making ingredients are available online at some of the chocolate suppliers listed in our suppliers list below.

Fine Chocolates, Great Experience 3 © 2010 Jean-Pierre Wybauw. Photo ©Lannoo. All rights reserved.

Looking for recipe supplies? Check out our reference pages:

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Chocolate Mold Suppliers
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Photography by Jessica Washburn, Bliss Chocolatier and Ecole Chocolat

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