/ Chocolate Resources / Chocolate Molds / Chocolate Mold Suppliers List
Chocolate Mold Suppliers List

Chocolate molds may be found at your local kitchen or craft store. Unfortunately, the selection is often spotty and holiday focused. The following list is a compilation of companies that offer chocolate molds for purchase online.
Finding Chocolate Molds
If there is an online resource for chocolate that we haven't found, please contact us at: info@ecolechocolat.com and we'll add it to this list.
The list has been compiled for the benefit of our readers. Ecole Chocolat has no commercial relationship with these suppliers.
Looking for a custom mold design? Those mold suppliers with an asterisk* after their names can also arrange to do custom molds for you.
Chocolate mold suppliers

- BakeDeco US
- Baker'sC&C US
- Candyland Crafts* US
- Chef Depot.net US
- Chef Rubber US
- Chef Store FR
- Chocoelate CA
- Chocolat-Chocolat CA
- Choklit Molds US
- Cincinnati Cake & Candy Supplies US
- ChocolateMan US
- Chocolate Mold Designs UK Ltd* UK
- Chocolate World* BE
- Custom Sweets* US
- DelicaciesValley CA
- Design & Réalisation Inc. CA
- EasySweets IE
- Home Chocolate Factory UK
- Industrial Plastic Forming Co.* IN
- JB Prince US
- JKV de chocoladevormenspecialist B.V* NL
- L'Epicerie US
- Meine Formen DE
- Mol d'Art BE
- Molds N More US
- Safranne Chocolate Moulds TR
- Streichs Cake and Candy Supply* US
- Taylored Treats AU
- Tomric* US
- Trufflymade* US
- Vantage House* UK
- Wilton US
- Zanardiaromi IT

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Photography by Jessica Washburn, Bliss Chocolatier and Ecole Chocolat
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